
Local Occupational Therapy - Local OT

Local Occupational Therapists providing high quality supports to Goulburn & surrounds

Local OT

Local OT provides Occupational Therapy services for clients in the Goulburn region. We have extensive experience in providing Occupational Therapy and working with clients to achieve positive outcomes.

We can support you to improve or maintain your independence. We can find the best way to get day to day things done, help you find the right piece of equipment and/or work with you to investigate suitable home modifications. These are just some of the ways that Local OT may be able to assist you, for more information see our "services" tab or contact us to discuss your needs.

We currently provide services to individuals who are over the age of 18. 

Local OT is a registered NDIS and Medicare provider.


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Phone: 0499 008 722


Let's Chat

Have a question about what we do, or what we can help with? Would you like to provide us with some feedback? You can call, email or use the form below to get in contact with us.